Raw Chocolate as Medicine.
Can chocolate really be good for you?
Chocolate was a medicine before it was a confectionary. Cacao (pure, unprocessed cocoa beans) has been attributed with many health benefits including antioxidants, flavanols and the serotonin-boosting ingredient ‘theobromide’. It has long been used in rituals for rest, relaxation and gaining clarity.
For a ceremony, we take raw cacao (also known as cacao liquor) and turn it into a bitter, magical hot chocolate. Attendees set intentions and share a guided meditation which we call a ‘journey’. Sessions can help support self-care and give us new access to our inner wisdom.
I see cacao as a great complement to practising meditation. While meditation quietens the mind to allow the body to realign itself, cacao rests the body thus allowing greater access to the quieter parts of our minds.
Cacao ceremonies take place once a month. You can book your place by clicking below or please email info@camillabaker.com for more information.
Upcoming events
Celebrate well-being all year with Cacao
Join us for monthly New Moon Cacao Ceremonies, either online or in person. Online tickets cost £25, while in-person tickets cost £40.
New Moon Cacao Ceremony Friday 9th February 7-10pm
Come to a Cacao Workshop
Throughout the year
I host cacao workshops for all sized groups including birthday and hen parties. 1 to 1 Cacao (combined with tarot, reiki and/or sound healing) available: 2 hours for £108.